The Trip Begins ...
Wednesday, April 15 -
At approximately 6:45 a.m. this morning our students
left CCHS on the first leg of their trip to Japan. During
their trip we will update this web site with messages
and photos taken in Japan. The amount of material posted,
and the frequency of updates is dependent upon the time
available to the people on the trip, and their ability
to gain access to the Internet in Japan.
If you have photos of some of the student pre-trip
activities (concerts, fund raiser, visits, etc.) that you
would like to share with us, send us e-mail about the
content of the photos. We would like to add more photos
to this web site documenting all the hard work and the
planning done prior to the trip. Send the e-mail to
- Thanks,
John Walsh
Joint Concert
Everything has gone extremely well. The joint concert
was superb, the cultural experiences have been exciting,
and the homestay families have been so kind and hospitable.
Everyone is well and we are looking forward to going
to Nanae tomorrow.
We have had trouble getting a phone connection in order
to the send email earlier, but now we are connected.
You can expect more news soon.
The entire team sends love and best wishes!
Test Photo From Japan
April 20, 1998
The CCHS Band trip got off to a wonderful start.
The students did not suffer too greatly from the flight.
They got up Friday morning and went off to Shiroishi
High School looking great with their uniforms and new
identification badges. There was a big sign of welcome
as we entered the school grounds. The students unpacked
their instruments and went to the gym to set up and
to practice with the Shiroishi band. There was an air of
anticipation as the students awaited their rehearsal.
Their own warm-up went well, then they moved aside
so Shiroishi could take their turn.
The fullness and richness of the Shiroishi band sound
was both uplifting and intimidating. Their power was
all the more impressive because April is the beginning
of their school year so there were neither their
recent seniors nor new freshmen involved. Immediately
afterwards, the bands joined together for the joint rehearsal.
If there had even government been a moment of doubt about
why we all worked so hard to make this trip happen,
it was instantly erased by the looks on the students faces
as they joined together. The were happy and was soon
clear that they had all come to play as Al Dentino
struck up "Stars and Stripes Forever". It felt like
Fiedler on the Fourth at the Esplanade. Mr.Yoneya then
stepped in with authority and quickly showed that they
were ready for "El Capitan"too. They then went to have
their "bento" or boxed lunches together.
At 1:15 they all marched into the gym to be greated
by an audience of over 1000 students seated on the floor,
the faculty and the American Consul General. After
intoductory statements by Principal Nakaaki, Tom Curtin,
Kari Bratzler and the Shiroishi Student President, the
concert began. The audience was clearly listening to
and enjoying our sound, especially the jazz band.
They do not usually have occasion to hear jazz at the
high school level and were clearly impressed by the band
and all the soloists.
Their administrators said afterwards that the standing
ovation they got at the concerts end was heartfelt and
not usaully done. After receiving flowers, the band
filed out of the gym to the rousing applause of the
audience. It was a very, very moving experience that
will never be forgotten.
The reception they received in the school lobby
shortly before their departure was overwhelming.
While most of the students were animatedly taking pictures
and talking the best they could given the language barrier,
waves of screaming teenage girls were seeking the
autographs of our young men, especially the extremely blond
and cute percussionists. Noone could believe what was
happening, especially the boys. Added to their burden was
the teasing of their friends, all of whom were caught up
in the spirit of the moment. When it was time to leave,
many students followed us to the buses to wave us off.
The day could not have been better.
I will try to update this e-mail tomorrow now that
we know that we can send it. I will have a newspaper
article ready for the Journal and Mosquito at the
end of the day here Tuesday, hopefully in time for
their deadlines. We should have the technical problems
worked out for having pictures ready as well. If we
cant get the pictures right this week, we can do the
article this week and pictures next.
Thanks for passing forwarding this.
From A Host Family
We are the host family of Pamela Spillert, Katrina Przyjemski,
Megan Walsh and Courtney McGrath. It was nice to have the girls
in our home and we enjoyed their company. The concert was a
great success and people in Nanae will remember it as an inspiring
event. It is a pity that the visit was so short. Unfortunately
(or maybe fortunately?) all good things in life come in small
We have tried our best to make the girls stay with us as
comfortable as possible and we all enjoyed the time spent
together. Wishing all a safe trip home and best regards to
everybody. Hope to hear from you soon.
Hiroko and Victor Navarsky
041-111, HOKKAIDO,
Arrival Time
The flight from Japan (JL 6) is estimated to arrive at New York (JFK) at 11:20AM today, April 23. Guessing that it will take upwards of 1 hour to retrieve baggage and clear customs, I estimate bus departure from JFK around 1 PM.
We expect the phone chain to be triggered no earlier than 12:30 PM April 23. Assuming a four hour bus trip, arrival time in Concord is GUESSED to be around 5:00 PM.
Bob Bratzler
4:00 pm Update
April 23 - 4 pm update
A late start from New York --- Estimated arrival time
at CCHS will be closer to 6 pm
Concord Carlisle High School
500 Walden Street
Concord, Massachusetts 01742