Walt Disney Animation
Animation - The New Art Form - The Disney Studios are, without a doubt, the most popular practitioner of this new art form. Learn about how they view their work, the hurdles they had to overcome, and their dreams for the future in these books, many of which were written by the people who created the movies.
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Listed in Alphabetical Order, by movie ...
Disney's Aladdin : The Making of an Animated Film
by John Culhane
119 Pages - Hardcover - November 1992A soft cover Reprint Edition (September 1993) is also available.
Size in inches: 9 x 11
Disney's Bambi : The Sketchbook Series by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston 88 Pages - Hardcover - April 1997 Size in inches: 10 x 12 |
Art of Hercules : The Chaos of Creation by Stephen Rebello, Jane Healey Hardcover - 200 pages (June 1997) Size in inches: 12 x 11 |
Art of The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Stephen Rebello 199 Pages - Hardcover - June 1996 |
Edition - For Collectors ...
112 Pages - September 1998
Art of The Little Mermaid by Jeff Kurtti A Disney Miniature 192 Pages - Softcover - November 1997 Size in inches: 6 x 5 |
Art of The Lion King By Christopher Finch, Charles Finch, James E. Jones 193 Pages - Hardcover - July 1994 Size in inches: 14 x 11 |
Art of Mulan By Jeff Kurtti 192 Pages - Hardcover - June 1998 Size in inches: 14 x 11 |
Legend of Mulan A Folding Book inspired by the movie 96 Pages - Hardcover - June 1998 Size in inches: 7 x 5 Sketches, pre-production art work, images from the movie, and the ancient Chinese poem
Mulan By Russell Schroder 72 Pages - Hardcover Collector's Edition - June 1998 Size in inches: 10 x 8 Reading Level: Ages 9 - 12 |
Mulan By Judie Clark, Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld 48 Pages - Hardcover - June 1998 Size in inches: 12 x 10 Reading Level: Ages 4 - 8 |
Pinocchio A coffee table book ... |
The Art of Pocahontas
by Stephen Rebello
Hardcover - June 1995
Size in Inches: 13 x 11
Sleeping Beauty
Limited Edition ... For the Collector ... September 1997
Walt Disney's Sketchbook Series
Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
An Art in its Making
Featuring the collection of Stephen H.Ison
by Martin Krause
1995 Hardcover
A Disney Miniature
Story The Art and Making of the Animated Film By John Lasseter, Steve Daly Large Format - 128 Pages - 1995 Size in inches: 14 x 11 |
This book was our first introduction to the series of Disney books telling the story behind the making of the movies. After reading it and viewing the wonderful color images, we had a new appreciation for the movie, the animator's views of the characters, the initial sketches and characters that never made it into the movie, and the tremendous amount of work that went into it. Since this was the first of the totally computer generated animated Disney classics, this book could very well become a much sought after collector's item.Highly recommended by us.
"Disney's Art of Animation: From Mickey Mouse to Beauty and the Beast"
by Bob Thomas
The History of the Disney company from the 1930s to the 1990s, as well as the story behind Disney animation.
Softcover, Published 1992
"The Art of Walt Disney : From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdom"
Hard Cover - 451 Pages - Published October 1995
Size in inches: 12 x 10
"The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters"
By John Grant
Hard Cover - 480 pages - Third Edition - 1998
Size in inches: 13 x 9
- "Work In Progress"
By Michael Eisner and Tony Schwartz
Hard Cover - 512 Pages - September 1998
Memoir of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
of The Walt Disney Company
- "The Imagineers"
A Behind-The-Dreams Look at Making the Magic Real
By Michael Eisner
Soft Cover - 200 Pages - October 1998- "Disney A to Z: The Official Encyclopedia"
By Dave Smith
Hard Cover - 564 pages - August 1996
Size in inches: 10 x 8
- "Mickey Mouse - My Life in Pictures"
Russell Schroeder - 1997 Size in inches: 11 x 9
Reading Level: Ages 9 - 12
Library Binding
- "The Illusion of Life - Disney Animation"
By Frank Thomas, Ollie Johnston
Hardcover - 575 pages - 1995
- "Walt Disney's Treasury of Cartoon Classics"
Darlene Geis (Editor)
Hardcover - 256 pages - 1995 - Size in inches: 11 x 9
- "Walt In Wonderland - The Silent Films of Walt Disney"
Russell Merritt - Hardcover - 1994 - Size in inches: 11 x 10
- "Disney's Animation Magic"
A Behind-the-scenes look at how an Animated Film is made
Hardcover - June 1996 - Size in inches: 11 x 9